Faith in Combat

Something Has to Change: Episode 4

Meggan Stephens

12/14/20236 min read

low light stage microphone photography
low light stage microphone photography


We’ve spent the last several weeks diving into the depths of change and how to attain it. In this episode, Stephen proposes a new perspective, suggesting that one should embrace flexibility in order to produce the change we want to see. Flexibility is the key to longevity of life. The more flexible you are, the easier it is to roll with the punches. To be flexible is simply the capability of bending easily without breaking. The opposite of flexibility is intransigent, meaning: unwilling or refusing to change one’s views. To be rigid or stiff will cause you to be easily broken. Inquire within yourself, “Am I flexible? Am I able to stretch? Am I teachable, or am I stuck in my ways?” In order to successfully achieve transformation, whether it be mental, spiritual, or physical, we must learn to stretch beyond our own comfortability.

As said previously in Episode 1, we are creatures of habit, comfortably set in our ways, stubbornly holding to our own views and opinions. We do so even when those views are unbeneficial to our physical and spiritual well-being. This proves our inflexible practices. Realistically, when we do recognize the need for change, we attempt to accomplish it on our own terms, if we make an effort at all. Typically, the result is unsuccessful, and we find ourselves in an unhealthy cycle. The host expresses the importance of having someone in your life to push you towards change and to hold you accountable. If you want to see real change, get yourself an accountability partner.

Spiritual Goliaths

The host paraphrases the story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17:45-47. In this well-known Old Testament Scripture, we see a young David go toe-to-toe with Goliath, a Philistine champion soldier. At that time, everyone in their right mind would have presumed David to be a mad-man for even considering the battle. However, David recognized the fight to be one not of physical strength, but an internal war of faith within himself. David could have defeated himself by setting his attention on Goliath’s height, reputation, or his victories. Rather than being overcome with the circumstances, David consciously chose to anchor his victory over Goliath in his faith. His confidence in knowing that God was with him in the battle led to his swift triumph over his enemy. To sum it up, David conquered his adversary with the most powerful weapon one can possess, faith.

The Goliath you’re currently facing probably isn’t a physical giant, but rather a mental or spiritual one. Your Goliath may be depression, anxiety, stress, addiction, anger, or all of the above. Overwhelmed by the circumstances brought on by these emotions or dis-eases, we become imprisoned by our own thoughts, making a practice of psyching ourselves out of our own victory. We let the opinions of the nay-sayers infiltrate the headquarters of our minds, keeping us awake at night reflecting on what someone else has said rather than what God has ordained. We spend too much of our time thinking and worrying about other people.

Who am I?

Truth be told, we’re not positioned to comprehend someone else’s lifestyle. God alone discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12). Rather than losing sleep over what someone else has said or done, we must choose to let God deal with people and instead examine ourselves. Analyze your own motives. Contemplate who you really are with questions such as: “Am I kind? Am I loving? Am I forgiving? What am I giving to people? What do people get when they get me?” You can expect to be given what you’re giving. This is the gravity of the principles of God. The world calls it karma, but God calls it reaping what you sow.


As someone who was once diagnosed with bipolar depression, I can attest to the statement “Hurt people hurt people.” I was the toxic individual the host describes. Being around me was taxing for others, especially for the ones in my own household. The anger and despair that resided within my heart swelled, erupting incessantly from my mouth like a volcano. It seemed as though I was angry just to be alive until the realization that something had to change finally resonated with me. Ultimately, I had to willfully and intentionally change my atmosphere.

Healthy Atmospheres

Healthy atmospheres don’t always look like rainbows and sunshine or aesthetically pleasing rooms with aromatherapy essential oils. On the contrary, Stephen explains that storms brew in healthy atmospheres. Depending on your perspective, storms aren’t typically pretty. In fact, most people are fearful of them. Rarely do you see someone “love a rainy night” like Eddie Rabbit. I learned to admire the magnificence of storms as a child, often sitting under a tin roof carport with my late grandfather during what most would classify as “bad weather.” Stephen prompts the audience to ponder if there is such a thing. To see the beauty in the storm, we must realize that God is the orchestrator of the weather, and every raindrop that falls is ordained and purposed. Rain sustains and creates new life, as well as washes away debris.

Beauty in the Storm

Stephen beautifully illustrates the purpose of the storm. They’re flawlessly designed to change our lives by breaking off the branches we would not typically remove on our own. These are the weak limbs that hinder our betterment, the ones we may be too bonded with to sever. They can represent false understandings, man-made traditions, incorrect theology, damaging ways of thinking, or even toxic relationships. Not only can storms remove debris, but the host warns that they can bring it in as well. He cautions us to be mindful to clean up any garbage that may have blown into the yard of our hearts or minds during the downpour. Just as David trusted God in the battle, confidently trust God to carry you through every storm.

Internal Battles

The biggest battles and storms we face are internal. Stephen speaks of winning outwardly but feeling like you’ve lost internally. This looks like winning an argument but internally you don’t feel the joy you’ve expected from getting the last word. The concept of repurposing relationships is reiterated with an advisory to avoid toxicity. This can be done by giving toxic people less of your presence and mental space. But, what do you do if you’re the one who’s toxic? The answer is much simpler than you think.

Unload with God

Put God first. Allow God to be your best friend. If you’re waking up defeated, heavy, or overwhelmed, chances are you’ve been putting too much faith in people. Unconsciously, you’re expecting your spouse, your best friend, your pastor or maybe even your child to solve all of the difficulties that life is throwing at you. Here’s the hard truth, they can’t repair your brokenness, not in the way you need them to anyway. Stop unloading your issues on people, and learn to unload with God. My turning point was coming to the realization that Yeshua (Hebrew name for Jesus) is the only One strong enough to take on the weight of sin that you were never designed to carry. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that to come to God, we must first believe that He is real, and He rewards those who are diligently seeking Him. I encourage you to seek God with everything in you. As the host said, you don’t need a bucket of faith to do so. In fact, Yeshua is only requiring a mustard seed. Faith is essential for survival. It is the power to move the impossible.

Something Has to Change

The “something” that has to change in us is how we utilize our faith. It is not simply a belief, but it is substantiated by action. Faith is your greatest power, your sword, and you were meant to wield it in every battle. Stephen leaves us with three thoughts to ponder. Be aware of when you’re in a battle. Don’t give life to negative thoughts through the womb of your lips. Trust and believe that God is with you, and He is for you. As the Word says, no weapon formed against you shall prosper, you are more than a conqueror, and be strong and courageous for God is with you in this battle.

Contemporary Speaks, a new weekly podcast, has quickly become a Saturday morning go-to for more than two thousand YouTube subscribers. The host, Stephen, is making it his mission to motivate, inspire, and encourage the listeners to become victorious in their day-to-day conflicts. This episode of Something Has to Change opened with a fairly new release from the band, Contemporary Worship, called, “It’s an Emergency.” The song appropriately set the tone for the topic with a relatable message through the melody. With lyrics of desperation and pleas to God for rescue, it perfectly captures the persistent notion of “If something doesn’t change, I’m going to snap.” This is the mental struggle we all wrestle against, which is exactly what this series is all about.

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