Transforming Fear into Power: A Journey to Confidence
Something Has to Change: Episode 37
Meggan Stephens
9/11/20244 min read
Fear vs. Control
Let’s start with a simple truth: we don’t control everything. As Luke 12:25-26 reminds us, if we can’t add an hour to our life, why waste energy stressing over what we cannot change? Fear often creeps in when we obsess over outcomes that are beyond our reach. This misplaced focus can leave us feeling stuck and helpless. By shifting our mindset, we can change everything.
Fear can either hold us back or propel us forward—the choice is ours. Understanding that fear is simply an emotion that we can reframe is key to overcoming it.
The Power of Perspective
One of the most important takeaways from this episode is that fear and excitement are physically the same. Think about a time when you felt clammy hands, a racing heart, or sweaty palms—perhaps before a presentation or big decision. The body’s reaction to adrenaline, whether triggered by fear or excitement, is identical. The only difference is what we tell ourselves about it. You hold the power to choose: will you feel scared or excited?
Take the example of riding a rollercoaster for the first time. One person may experience fear, while another feels excitement, yet physically, the sensations are the same—it’s all about interpretation. My eight-year-old son experienced this firsthand during a recent visit to Six Flags. He was finally tall enough to ride most of the rollercoasters, but as we ascended high above the trees, fear set in. He closed his eyes, gripped the lap bar tightly, and whispered, "I’m scared." I encouraged him to look around and reminded him it would be fun. As he took in the view, his fear transformed into excitement. By the end of the ride, his smile said it all: "That was so fun! Let’s do it again!" Fear became something new—an opportunity for joy.
Proverbs 18:21 reminds us that ‘death and life are in the power of the tongue.’ What you speak, you bring into existence. Tell yourself, ‘I’m excited,’ instead of, ‘I’m scared,’ and your body and mind will follow suit. Words carry immense power.
God is With You
Fear can also create a sense of isolation, but Isaiah 41:13 offers reassurance: “For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you.” God never abandons us in our fear or suffering. No matter how overwhelming things seem, we are not alone. Fear tries to convince us otherwise, that we are helpless, but God's presence is a constant reminder that we are supported.
Transforming Fear Into Confidence
At its core, fear is a mindset. The way we choose to perceive fear determines whether it hinders or empowers us. What if, instead of letting fear dictate your actions, you reframed it as a challenge? Imagine the possibilities if every time you felt that familiar wave of anxiety, you interpreted it as excitement or anticipation for something good.
Start with small moments. Next time you’re anxious about a situation, pause, take a breath, and tell yourself, “I’m not scared; I’m excited.” Watch how this simple shift can change your energy and your actions. Fear will come again, and when it does, don’t let it paralyze you. Instead, call it something else, and you’ll find yourself moving forward with confidence.
Overcoming Fear in Everyday Life
We’ve all been kept awake at night, overthinking situations we cannot control. It’s easy to let fear spiral into anxiety, and for many, that anxiety can lead to panic. However, there’s power in releasing control and trusting God. As Psalms 23:4 reminds us, even in our darkest moments, “I will fear no evil, for you are with me.”
What situations in your life have caused you to panic? When was the last time fear seized you and led you to make a poor decision? Reflect on these moments and recognize how fear manipulated your choices. Now, think of how you could reinterpret those situations. How could viewing them through a lens of excitement or opportunity have led to a different outcome?
Fear is Contagious, but So Is Excitement
Just as fear can spread from one person to another, so can excitement. If you’ve ever spent time with someone whose negative outlook influenced your mood, you understand this. But the opposite is also true—positivity and excitement are contagious. By choosing to live in excitement rather than fear, you can inspire and uplift those around you. Speak life, encouragement, and positivity into your conversations. The world has enough fear; be a source of light.
Embrace Gratitude
In every difficult situation, there is always something to be grateful for. Even in moments of fear, shift your focus to gratitude. Take, for example, a personal story from the episode where the air conditioning went out during a heatwave. Instead of focusing on the discomfort, the speaker chose to be grateful for having a roof overhead and a bed to sleep in. Gratitude is a powerful antidote to fear and anxiety. It changes your posture and perspective.
Fear’s Shadow
As the episode concludes, we’re reminded that "Fear is the mind’s shadow, but with the right light, it can illuminate our path to confidence and strength." Fear does not have to paralyze you. The next time you feel fear creeping in, remember: you have the power to transform it. Change your language, shift your mindset, and watch how your life transforms in the process.
Fear doesn’t define you; your response to it does. Choose to respond with faith, confidence, and excitement, and you’ll see a world of difference. Turn your fear into power today.
Fear is an emotion we all experience, and at times it can feel overwhelming. It can paralyze us, fill us with anxiety, and keep us from stepping out of our comfort zones. What if, instead of avoiding fear, we could transform it? In Episode 37 of Something Has to Change, Stephen dives into the process of turning fear into power, showing us how to shift our mindset so that fear no longer controls us but instead becomes a stepping stone to confidence and empowerment.
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